The very pretty Lara over at I wanna be a MUA gave me this award: I don't wear make-up but my mummy reads this blog as it's great for make-up tips and things about Lara. Thank you for the award Lara, I'm glad you enjoy my blog - I will ask mummy to update it more!
I'm a nudie dog - I don't like clothes. Mummy tried, especially when it gets cold, but I pull them off. I shake, squirm, nuzzle, cry and do everything I can to stop Mummy from dressing me.
Mummy showed me this video today to show me how pretty I could look in a nice dress. Obviously Mummy needs reminding that I look pretty just as a Nudie Rudie dachshund.
PS: this dachie is a miniature, I am longer. I also have different markings on my face (ie I am cuter)