Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mummy is sad

I don't like it when mummy is sad. I do like that daddy puts me up on the bed though!

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sarah Beeny is a dachie mummy!

Mummy & I were just watching Sarah Beeny's Restoration Nightmare and lo-behold she's another dachshund mummy!

We think his name is Barry. Barry Beeny.

On further investigation we have found out that Sarah's mini dachie is a girl. Beryl? Beryl Beeny The Mini Tan Dachshund!

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I am not a lap dog

Although I will continue to try & try (Mummy says I'm stubborn, what does that mean?).

Picture taken while I'm sitting on Mummy's lap while she's watching telly).

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